BSA Motorcycle Owners Association Inc

NEW LOOK WEBSITE COMMING SOON! . . . . . . . . . . . . .


If you have any questions about new site, respond below.

The aim of the association is to allow people with a common interest in BSA motorcycles to share activities, such as monthly meetings, rides, social outings, rallies, factory dispatch records, etc, in order to maximize the pleasure of BSA ownership. A regular magazine containing details of events & articles of interest is distributed to all financial members. Windcheaters, T-shirts and badges are available.

Major events in the year include Presidents Day display of members BSA’s and the highly successful All British Rally®, run since 1977. The Association is Vicroads approved for Club Permit Scheme participation. “The first formal meeting was held on February 7th, 1973 (1),since then we have been meeting on the first Wednesday of every month”.


  • Monthly rides as advertised.
  • Mid Week rides on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
  • Presidents Day ,BSA display & picnic.
  • The All British Rally®.

References: 1. Australian Motorcycle News - Vol 23, No.1, May 25-June 8, 1973.