B.S.A. Motor Cycle Owners Association Inc [A0001086X]

As participants in the Club Permit Scheme the BSA Motorcycle Owners Association Inc is required by VicRoads to ensure:

Current Financial Membership

Vehicle Eligibility (as defined in the conditions of the Club Permit Scheme).

Vehicle is safe to use on a highway and complies with any relevant safety standards notified by VicRoads.


Applications are processed on a first come first served basis by Club volunteers. These volunteers have family, work & personal commitments that may come first. This plus other contributing factors including postal delays, incomplete or incorrectly filled out paperwork can all combine to delays the process. There are both 45 day and 90 day Permit use options available.


Hang out with us!

All NEW Permit applications (not renewals) will need to be accompanied by a current certificate of roadworthiness.

NEW Permit applications (not renewals) will need to be accompanied with a document of proof of ownership or management of the vehicle.

NEW Permit applications (not renewals) will need to be accompanied by five (5) photographs of the vehicle to keep in club record. The photos are to be of the:

  1. Engine number,
  2. Frame or VIN number,
  3. LHS of vehicle,
  4. RHS of vehicle,
  5. Riders position (showing odometer if fitted).

Complete the forms

Complete the forms and get your application approved by your vehicle club. Once you have the certificates, you will need to complete the following forms and get them approved by your club:

Responsibilities and obligations of Club Permit holders Club Permit holders must:

  1. Ensure that the vehicle is only used for private use and is not used for commercial use
  2. Ensure they are familiar with their particular club’s requirements for Club Permit holders
  3. Ensure they are familiar with the logbook requirements
  4. Maintain their vehicles in a manner which ensures that the vehicle is in a “safe” condition for use on a highway
  5. Present their vehicle for periodic safety checks if prescribed by their club, or in the case of street rods, if prescribed by the Australian Street Rod Federation
  6. Always maintain financial membership of the club whilst holding a club permit
  7. Ensure that the logbook and permit is always carried on the vehicle when in use
  8. Ensure that the number plate(s) and label as issued by VicRoads are correctly displayed on the vehicle at all times when the vehicle is in use.

Club Officers/Scrutineers

When signing new Club Permit applications, club safety officers/scrutineers will be required to complete a Vehicle Eligibility and Standards Declaration form declaring that the vehicle is eligible, safe for use on the road and that it meets the applicable requirements for the category of vehicle for which the Club Permit is sought.

New modification guidelines specified in the Guidelines for modifications to vehicles operated under Victoria’s Club Permit – Vehicle Standards Information No. 33 (VSI33) [PDF 296 kb] apply.

If an NEW Club Permit application is submitted for a vehicle that is modified outside of the appropriate modification guidelines, a Vehicle Assessment Signatory Scheme (VASS) approval certificate covering the modifications must be provided with the permit application. An “M” Club Permit plate will be issued to identify modified vehicles where a VASS certificate has been provided. Clubs are required to maintain dated photographs of vehicles entering the Club Permit scheme in accordance with the new Club Permit Agreement. Existing and ongoing requirements to be noted There are two important existing, ongoing requirements that permit applicants and club safety officers/scrutineers need to be aware of: Motor vehicles manufactured outside of Australia after 31 December 1968 (30 June 1975 in the case of motorcycles) which do not have a previous Australian registration history, must have a VASS approval certificate to demonstrate that the vehicle meets the Australian Design Rules that applied at the time the vehicle was manufactured. Club Permit vehicles must comply with the Vehicle Standards, appropriate to the date the vehicle was manufactured, contained in Schedule 2 of the Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009. All vehicle standards and modification guidelines are available through VicRoads’ website at Vehicle standards information.


When you have received your number plate, forward the number details to the Secretary to complete club records as required by VicRoads. Remember to carry and fill out your log book before you start your ride. Don't forget to enclose a stamped self addressed envelope with documents you want returned. Failure to include a Stamped Self Address envelope will result in delays in the return of your documents. Please do NOT include cheques made out for both the Club Permit fee & Membership. It will be returned resulting in delays processing the Club Permit.


When we do stuff!

Club Permits Renewals

In Person

  1. Presenting the Club Permit Renewal to either the Club Secretary or another person authorised by the BSA Motorcycle Owners Association Inc;
  2. The Club Secretary or other authorised person will endorse the Club Permit Renewal;
  3. The details of the Club Permit will be recorded for inclusion in the Club Permit Register Database .

By Post

  1. Forwarding the Club Permit Renewal by mail to the Club's PO Box Address on the home page, with a return Stamped Self Addressed Envelope;
  2. The Club Secretary or other authorised person will check your name against the current member list, and then endorse the Club Permit Renewal;
  3. The details of the Club Permit will be recorded for inclusion in the Club Permit Register Database.
  4. The Club Permit Renewal will be returned in the Stamped Self Addressed Envelope that was provided.




Usefull info!

Useful Info:


Drop a note!

BSA. M. O. A. Inc.

PO BOX 8100,

Northland Centre,

Victoria, 3072, AUSTRALIA.

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